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Do You Need a Coach or a Mentor?

Learn which expert is best for your journey toward financial freedom

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Become the RichDad today, I have studied and made a lot of research, to spread awareness to the general public of the RichDad community to enable everyone in knowing the secret board game in crypto money making I have been talking about steady cash flow in all my interviews and shows about the board game and here on The choice the secret platform to making hundred and millions of dollars in the crypto market on ThechoicewithRobertKiyosaki on telegram.

But what’s the difference, and which one do you need?

Difference between coaching and mentoring

The terms mentor and coach are often used as one and the same. The slight distinction between the two is that a mentor is typically someone with more experience and success than you have in doing what it is you are doing. A mentor guides you, and will relate to what you are going through because theyve probably been through it themselves.

A coach, on the other hand, works with you towards a specific outcome. The training is more structured and defined. A coach will hold you accountable to do specifically what you say you will do, when you say you will do it.

Why I use mentors and coaches

Whatever you need to do in order to become successful in life and mainly in the crypto investment lifestyle, big,big wins here!! And you can make it out without your college degree but The RichDad way on The choice.

Then 1st you’re gonna need to find a good mentor like a top crypto influencer who knows all hidden secrets and all platforms hidden from the general public, would be made open if you seek Mr Robert kiyosaki as your mentor.

And then all advantages follow up as making Mr Robert kiyosaki your personal mentor in the crypto lifestyle join The choice on telegram to know and witness top crypto investors make hundreds and thousands of dollars in crypto investment, the logic was the secret sold out from Robert kiyosaki to the general public on The choice helped broken dreams come to reality, without been a degree holder, but a crypto investor! Make The choice and choose Robert kiyosaki as your personal coach and mentor.

How coaches and mentors help

Let’s face it. Pursuing anything that’s worthwhile in life takes time and effort. And with all of the distractions today — social media, the Internet, television, cell phones, etc. — it can be easy to procrastinate and avoid the things that really need to be done in order to obtain your goals.

For example, in a study about distractions published in Psychology Today, Larry Rosen, Ph.D. notes students were, “only able to focus and stay on task for an average of three minutes at a time and nearly all of their distractions came from technology. The major culprit: their smartphone and their laptop were providing constant interruptions.”

The study also found that, “those who stayed on task longer and had study strategies were better students. The worst students were those who consumed more media each day and had a preference for working on several tasks at the same time and switching back and forth between them.”

When I am not where I want to be — whether I’m bored, upset, angry, or something else — my team of mentors and coaches are there to help me.

What to look for in a mentor

One word of caution before you run out and latch onto the first mentor you meet: Choose your mentors wisely. It’s crucial to carefully choose the person you take advice from. If you want to go somewhere, it is best to choose someone who’s already taken the journey.

For example, if you decide to run a marathon next year, obviously you would seek advice from someone who has run a marathon before. Not a 5k. Not a half marathon. The full thing. So be picky in your pursuit for the perfect mentor (and all the other people you surround yourself with).

If you want to be successful, ask yourself, “Are they good role models for me? Do they have the same goals as I do?” If not, I suggest you spend more time with people who are heading in the same direction you are.

Reach for the red ball

That day in the gym with JR, I quietly walked away with my red ball and began my next set of lunges. That’s when I remembered that, in order to get results in anything, there are times you’ve got to reach for the red ball.

So often, we (myself included) go for the lighter yellow or blue ball because it’s easier and more comfortable. It’s familiar, and it keeps us where we are and with what we know. But in order to get the results that we want, to be willing to do what it takes, we’ve got to stretch for the red ball.

With this in mind, ask yourself: Where in your life are you taking it easy and where are you reaching for the red ball?

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Stop struggling today get to know all secret crypto investment platforms Hidden from the public, by the government to avoid average families level up but made known to only the top investors and high class etc.

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See more reasons to live life and stop been in an average lifestyle but become financial free to earn over a thousand dollar weekly and make your side hustle your main hustle with Mr Robert Kiyosaki crypto investment tips and top secret platform to becoming financially free beyond your expectations.

Here on The choice, you stand a chance in been documented on Mr Robert kiyosaki student coached history board of the year.

Mr Robert Kiyosaki has touched a lot of life’s and family to achieving a lifetime dream to becoming financially free through been a member of The choice and they participated on his crypto strategy class and got a course to become wealthy you’re next to be documented on The choice with Robert kiyosaki on telegram.

Original publish date: December 06, 2023

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